
Administering Speech and Language Assessments via Telepractice

If you are interested in administering assessments via telepractice, make sure that you are aware of rules and regulations in your state, as well as copyright laws, and best practices from assessment publishers.

In September 2019, ASHA hosted a free online chat entitled, “Assessment via Telepractice: What You Need to Know.” This online chat was hosted by Pearson, the leader in digital speech and language assessments. During this online chat, information was provided about administering assessments in a telepractice setting, including how to interpret scores and what to include in your written report. Please view the full chat for answers to your top questions about assessments via telepractice.

If you haven’t visited yet, be sure to check out Pearson’s Telepractice Page with information about using their assessments via telepractice, including recommendations, relevant research studies, and a short video demonstration.

The most popular speech and language assessments with digital administration options are:

  • CELF-5
  • EVT-3
  • GFTA-3
  • PPVT-5

Download a list of available telepractice assessments here.

Each assessment has a product page with a link to guidance for administering the assessment via telepractice. For your convenience, I’ve included those links at the end of this post. At the bottom of each of those product pages is a “Conclusion,” which states whether the assessment can reliably be administered via telepractice and what permissions are required. The only versions of the assessments that can be used without special permission are the digital versions. This means that special permission is required from the publisher to administer the paper-based versions of the assessments. If you have specific questions about administering an assessment via telepractice, be sure to contact the test publisher regarding your requests.

WPS also offers online assessment options, the first of which was the Arizona-4. The Arizona-4 is an articulation assessment, and the digital version includes the digital stimulus images, administration guide, and online scoring. The CASL-2 and OWLS-II were also released with digital administration and scoring options. Be sure to read WPS’s tele-assessment statement prior to using these assessments.

Finally, Pro-Ed is offering “virtual” options for some of its assessments.

If you want to learn about these options and how to confidently administer assessments via telepractice, please view my online course, Assessments in Telepractice.

Assessments in Telepractice Links

Assessment via Telepractice: What You Need to Know


Telepractice: General Information


No Objection to permit delivery of tele-health services of certain copyrighted materials
















WPS Online Evaluation System


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