
President’s Day Themed Activities

This brief post is a roundup of FREE activities in honor of President’s Day for kids in elementary school and up.

Please note that I do not receive any commissions if you choose to use or subscribe to any of the websites in this post. While these are FREE materials readily available to everyone on the worldwide web, you may need to create an account to access some activities if you do not already have one (e.g., Boom Learning℠).


This website includes a variety of activities for kids in grades Pre-K through middle school. To search, first, select the student’s grade. Then select the activity. You can also “jump to” certain types of activities on the page by clicking one of the buttons at the top of the page: Letters, Numbers, Holiday, Strategy or Skill. My favorite categories are “Holiday” and “Skill Games.” Most holidays have a crossword puzzle or word search activity that is one of my favorites for addressing vocabulary, grammar and articulation for school-age children.

These activities can be used to target articulation, language, and fluency goals. For elementary students working on articulation, they can read the word lists and then form their own sentences using target words in the activity.

Boom Cards

This website includes interactive telepractice games for a variety of goal areas. You can create your own, purchase activities made by others, or play free speech therapy activities. Search “Speech Therapy” and use keywords to find activities. You can save your favorites to your library for easy reference. If you need step-by-step instructions for getting started with Boom CardsTM, read our related blog post, Boom Cards Simplified.

Epic Books

This website includes over 40,000 books, audiobooks, and videos for kids of all ages. Educators qualify for a free account.

Read Works

These reading passages can be used to address articulation, language, and fluency goals. There are questions included with each passage. 

I hope this list helps you quickly plan your telepractice activities for President’s Day. We’d love to hear your favorite President’s Day activities in the comments below. If you haven’t already, please subscribe to our Members Only Area for free resources.

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